About Us

"The application of SAIFX liposomal encapsulation technology to EquiCeutica’s certified pharmaceutical grade CBD, is pioneering the use of liposomal delivery systems in the world of veterinary medicines and will definitely provide unparalleled benefits to the normal dosage forms. We are looking forward to developing further clinical trials and other crucial innovations.”

Professor Mohammad Najlah. Chief Scientist, GM Priority Pharma Limited, Professor of Pharmceutics and Nano-Medicines, Anglia Ruskin University.


The Company

The company management structure is founded on expertise and success. The key players combine scientific, veterinary and business acumen enabling EquiCeutica to be the global market pioneer for this game-changing product field.

The Mission

Our objective is to be the market leader in veterinary medicinal CBD products as the first company to secure regulatory authorisations. A secure pathway of product provision, processing and distribution is in place to allow EquiCeutica to take the product to the user as soon as Market Authorisations are granted whilst in the interim the products are prescribed and sold by veterinarians under the cascade.

"We have had good results using your product. I have tried it on an emaciated gelding that wouldn’t eat, severalstable horses in the hospital that were highly stressed and stallion also."

Dr Danielle Byrne, Vet Head Clinician, Ellerston OnnasisVeterinary Clinic

What Makes EquiCeutica Different?

Our Pharmaceutical Grade products have been
researched and developed utilising the most advanced
science available specifically for equine, canine and feline
patients. We have worked on formulations and doses used
in specific peer reviewed published data. Our research and
development has produced an entirely superior
pharmaceutical grade CBD product with unparalleled
bioavailability efficacy in targeted delivery, inhibiting
residue or metabolisation in the liver.

Why is peer review data important?

Veterinary professionals may have confidence in EquiCeutica products when prescribing for patients and their care and for the assurance of animal owners. EquiCeutica pharmaceutical grade CBD is prescribed under the cascade as a “Veterinary Special” by veterinary professionals. Clinical trials are directed towards the application and grant of VMD Market Authorisations, under the classification of anti-inflammatory and chronic pain.

Product development with experts in their field

EquiCeutica, has chosen the leading UK MHRA and ManSa accredited specials manufacturer for human and veterinary specials medications. EquiCeutica use the same CBD distillate that has been peer reviewed in published studies for both equine and canine. EquiCeutica is pioneering the use of liposomal nano-encapsulation delivery systems in the world of veterinary medicines providing unapparalleled benefits to the normal dosage forms.